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  • Improves Digestion
  • Useful in acidity, dyspepsia, bloating, deranged digestion & flatulence
  • Clinically proven for its antispasmodic and carminative actions
  • Sugar free



It is an era where everything has to happen fast. Fast eating, fast food, it is true in cases of foods and snacks. Indigestion and related problems are on rise. Many ready-to-prepare instant food items have occupied significant space in our food habits. Instead of preparing Diwali and other festival snacks at home, most people prefer to get mass-made commercial sweets and food items generally without quality checks and snack packages containing unwanted preservatives and taste enhancers. Frequency of dinner outing has increased. Every time one goes out, snack-pack pick up by children is common. Healthy snacks likes boiled sprouts are replaced by prepared branded or unbranded snacks. These taste enhancers make us to eat more. It makes more difficult for our digestive system to digest them. Keeping this altered lifestyles in mind, Schwabe has developed a new product Dizester? to aid digestion. It is equally useful in cases of sluggish digestion and sluggish liver function.

Altered food habits and role of Dizester?

Many people don?t have enough time to prepare food at home. This leads to increase in proportion of junk foods. Over the time, people develop the liking for them. This goes on. It becomes a habit, unaware of the consequences. According to reports (Sanjay Kalra et al. 2012) many people in major cities eat and drink frequently unhealthy foods containing trans-fats like chips, burgers, pizzas, french fries, noodles and colas. Many of these have unwanted effects on digestive system resulting in acidity, indigestion, flatulence dyspepsia, gastric & bowel disturbances and related secondary effects as urinary & respiratory troubles, weak immunity and allergic problems. Dizester? is developed to overcome these problems.

Dizester? covers bloating, deranged digestion, flatulence dyspepsia, different types colic pain like flatulent colic and bilious colic with great accumulation of gas, nervous irritation of the intestinal tract (IBS), diarrhoea, loss of appetite. It improves weak digestive system. Useful in acidity. Pain in stomach area due to gastritis or gastric ulcer. It covers diarrh?a with or without flatulence. Hot, sore, painful anus especially during pregnancy. Chronic intestinal catarrh, anus red, sore and inflammed especially in case of h?morrhoids. Its ingredients are known drugs for flatulence and spasmodic contraction of stomach and ?sophagus sometimes with reverse peristalsis. Difficulty in bringing the bloating out. Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Forcible eructation of gas. Covers obstinate constipation.

Dizester? is clinically proven for its antispasmodic and carminative actions and improving appetite. It has soothing effect on digestive tract. It also works as diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and protective against gastric mucosal lesion.


Each 100ml contains

Foeniculum vulgare3% v/v
Mentha piperita Q3% v/v
Nux moschata Q2% v/v
Zingiber officinalis Q2% v/v
Asafoetida Q2% v/v
Carum carvi Q2% v/v
Terminalia arjuna Q1% v/v
Excipients:QS to 100%
Alcohol content11.9% v/v


Proven indications?of the individual ingredients in the sphere of claimed action:
Foeniculum vulgare:?Foeniculum vulgare is widely used as carminative, digestive, lactogogue, in treating respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. It covers bloating, indigestion and gastric problems. In children, it is useful in abdominal colic and flatulence. Studies reveal that it relieves bloating and acts as antispasmodic, stimulates appetite, works as diuretic and anti-inflammatory. In a recent study it has shown protective effect against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesion.

Mentha piperita:?It is indicated in flatulent colic, deranged digestion, infantile colic, bilious colic with great accumulation of gas.

Nux moschata:?It is useful in flatulent dyspepsia, nervous irritation of the intestinal tract, diarrhoea when the stools are soft and like chopped eggs, loss of appetite.

Zingiber officinalis:?It covers weak digestive system. Indicated in heaviness of abdomen. Useful in acidity. Heaviness in stomach on awakening with gas and rumbling. Pain in stomach area due to gastritis or gastric ulcer especially worse eating. Used in colic, diarrh?a with extremely loose bowels, with much flatulence, cutting pain, hot, sore, painful anus especially during pregnancy. Chronic intestinal catarrh. Anus red and inflammed. H?morrhoids hot, painful, sore.

Asafoetida:?The flatulence and spasmodic contraction of stomach and ?sophagus with reverse peristalsis are covered by this ingredient. Great difficulty in bringing up bloating. Flatulence and regurgitation of liquid. Forcible eructation of gas. Pulsation in pit of stomach. Violent colic; cutting and burning in stomach and region of diaphragm. Gurgling and rolling of gas, which escapes afterwards with loud and difficult eructation. Obstinate constipation. Diarrhoea, sometimes extremely offensive.

Carum carvi:?It is antispasmodic and carminative thus soothes digestive tract acting directly on intestinal muscles. Relieves colic, bloating and flatulence. It improves appetite, acts as tonic. The benefits on intestinal spasm and flatulence have been proven by research.

Terminalia arjuna:?It covers loss of appetite, nausea, constipation, bitter taste in mouth. It has been used in bilious disturbances, bile duct disorders, diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. Suits people with higher cholesterol.

Dosage:?Unless otherwise prescribed, Dizester? should be taken as follows: 1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily.

Side effects:?No side effect of Dizester? are known.

Contra-indications:?No contra-indications for the use of Dizester? are known.

Interactions:?No interactions between Dizester? and other products are known.

Presentation:?Bottle of 100 ml.

1-2 teaspoon 2-3 times daily,1/2 teaspoon every 1-3 hours during acute indigestion.Children should be given half of the adult dose.


200ml, 100ml, 500ml


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