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Magnesia Phosphorica

  • Muscular cramps.
  • Pains.
  • Convulsion.
  • Flatulent colic.
  • Severe neuralgic pain.
  • Toothache which is induced by heat and hot fluids.
  • Menstrual cramps and colic with dark, clotted & early menses.



Magnesia phosphorica, also known as Magnesium phosphate or Mag phos, is a biochemic tissue salt or cell salt that is commonly used in homeopathy and alternative medicine. It is one of the twelve-cell salts originally developed by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler, a German physician, in the 19th century. These cell salts are believed to be essential for maintaining good health and treating various health conditions.


Adults: Four tablets 3-4 times a day.

Children: Half of the adult’s dose.

Or as prescribed by the physician.

Available Potency

12X, 200X, 30X, 3X, 6X


25g, 450g

Pack Of

1, 2, 3


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